





路沿石模具标准件是模具的重要组成部分,是模具基础.它对缩短模具设计制造周期、降低模具生产成本、提高模具质量都具有十分重要的技术经济意义.国外工业发达国家的经验证明,模具标准件的专业化生产和商品化供应,极大地促进了模具工业的发展.广泛应用标准件可缩短设计制造周期达25-40%;可节约由于使用者自制标准件所造成的社会工时,减少原材料及能源的浪费;可为模具CAD/CAM等现代技术的应用奠定基础;可显着提高模具的制造精度和使用性能.绿色化模具制造的发展趋势已经得到了大部分模具加工企业的认可与重视,今后的路沿石模具从原材料选用、生产工艺以及破损修复和报废模具回收利用等方面,都将越来越趋向于节约资源、循环使用、利于环保的绿色化发展方向. Luyandan die standard parts is an important part of the mold, mold base. It is to shorten the mold design and manufacturing cycle, to reduce the mold production cost, improve the quality of the mould has very important technical and economic significance. The experience of industrial developed countries abroad proved that mould standard parts supply of specialized production and commercialization, greatly promote the development of mold industry. Widely used standard parts can shorten design and manufacturing cycle 25-40%; It can reduce the waste of raw materials and energy due to the social working hours caused by the users' homemade standard parts. It can lay the foundation for the application of modern technology such as die CAD/CAM. Can significantly improve the manufacturing precision of the mould and the use of performance. The development trend of green mould manufacturing has been the most mold processing enterprises recognition and attention, luyandan mold in the future from raw material selection, production process and damage repair and scrap mold recycling, etc., will be more and more tend to save resources, recycling, environmentally friendly green development direction.


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版权 © 保定盖板模具厂 网址:mojusg.37ix.com.cn  推荐:水沟盖板模具,水沟盖板塑料模具,排水沟盖板模具
