水泥盖板塑料模具属于盖板塑料模具的一种,用途不同,水泥盖板塑料模具是用于生产水泥盖板的专用模具,水泥盖板模具是铁路预制模具中的一种,盖板塑料模具 是专门用于生产高速公路,高速铁路用的电缆沟盖板和水沟盖板使用。
The plastic mould for cement cover plate belongs to one kind of plastic mould for cover plate. It has different uses. The plastic mould for cement cover plate is a special mould for producing cement cover plate. The plastic mould for cement cover plate is one of the prefabricated mould for railway. The plastic mould for cover plate is specially used for producing cable trench cover plate and water trench cover plate for Expressway and high-speed railway.