排水沟盖板模具1、 外形美观:线条简捷,银色外表,现代潮流。2、 优秀排水:漏水面积达83.3%,是铸铁的两倍多。
Drainage ditch cover mold 1, beautiful appearance: simple lines, silver appearance, modern trend. 2. Excellent drainage: the leakage area is 83.3%, more than twice that of cast iron.
3、 热浸镀锌:防锈力强,免维护及更换。
3. Hot dip galvanizing: strong rust resistance, maintenance free and replacement free.
4、 防盗设计:盖与框用铰联接,防盗,安全,开启方便。
4. Anti theft design: the cover and the frame are hinged, anti-theft, safe and easy to open.
5、 节省投资:大跨,重载时,比铸铁价低且节省被盗或压碎更换的费用。
5. Saving investment: in case of large span and heavy load, the price is lower than that of cast iron and the cost of stolen or crushed replacement is saved.
6、 高强度:强度和韧性远高于铸铁,可用于码头,机场等大跨度和重载荷的环境。
6. High strength: the strength and toughness are much higher than that of cast iron, which can be used in long-span and heavy load environments such as docks and airports.
7、 规格多:满足不同环境、载荷、跨度、尺寸及形状所需。对于大多数普通混凝土砌的无沿口沟,采用U型沟盖非常简单,节约,不需要特殊的沟沿口。
7. Multiple specifications: meet the requirements of different environments, loads, spans, sizes and shapes. For most ordinary concrete ditch without edge, U-shaped ditch cover is very simple, economical and does not need special ditch edge.