The level of drainage ditches and cross-section drainage ditches should
have sufficient water conveyance capacity and appropriate design water
level. The design water level of drainage ditch is divided into drainage
water level and drainage water level. The rehearsal water level is the
water level that the drainage ditch should maintain at ordinary times,
which mainly meets the requirements of groundwater control.
橡胶托辊 槽型托辊 皮带托辊 平行托辊 保定搬家 保定搬家电话 保定搬家公司 保定搬家 铜鼎 铜狮子、支、干沟的排渍水位要逐级降低,除了水流的纵向坡降外,各级沟道汇流处尚需有适当的水位落差,一般为0.1一0 .2米。排涝水位也称最高水位,是排水沟通过排涝设计流量时的水位。
In order to ensure that the water level of the farm ditch is not high,
the drainage water level of the bucket, branch and main ditch should be
reduced step by step. In addition to the longitudinal gradient of the
water flow, there should be an appropriate water level drop at the
confluence of all levels of ditches, generally 0.1-10.2 meters. Drainage
water level, also known as the highest water level, is the water level
when the drainage communicates with the designed discharge