检查井钢模具 隔离墩模具 隔离墩钢模具 流水槽模具 U型槽模具 螺杆启闭机 卷扬式启闭机 铜雕佛像 角钢固定的方法简单实用,可以轻易的排水沟钢盖板拿下来,进行排水沟钢盖板下面的设备检修。缺点容易丢失被盗。一种:胶粘法,这种固定方法很少使用,因为排水沟钢盖板的在工业生产中使用较多,胶粘法固定效果很差。一般都是在一些公共场合,观赏场合中使用胶粘法是为了整体的美观性。二种:扣件固定法,扣件固定法是常见也是有效的固定方法,在不同的场合中,环境不同,具体的固定形式也不同。
The angle steel inlay fixing method saves the welding and fixing of the steel cover plate installation clamp of the drainage ditch. The method of fixing angle steel is simple and practical. The steel cover plate of drainage ditch can be easily taken down for equipment maintenance under the steel cover plate of drainage ditch. The disadvantages are easy to be lost and stolen. One: adhesive method, which is rarely used, because the steel cover plate of drainage ditch is widely used in industrial production, the effect of adhesive method is very poor. Generally in some public places, the use of adhesive method in viewing occasions is for the overall beauty. Two kinds: Fastener fixation method, fastener fixation method is a common and effective fixation method, in different occasions, the environment is different, the specific form of fixation is also different.