盖板塑料模具的质地比较柔软 |
添加时间:2019/10/30 16:24:00 浏览次数: |
盖板模具的其中一大类就是就是钢模具,因为它的材质主要是钢板,所以在清洗时的最大困扰就是会出现生锈的状况,在这里建议您在清洗时一定要将砂砾彻底冲洗干净,将水晾晒干净,最好在表层涂抹上一层的费油,这样既可以防止生锈长斑,还利于生产时脱模产品。对于盖板塑料模具来说,塑料模具的质地比较柔软,在清洗时要注意变形的问题,温度低时容易很脆造成损伤,夏天气温高也会产生变形的现象,清洗干净后同样也要注意干燥问题,一定要等表层的水彻底干掉在重新使用。 One of the major types of cover plate mold is steel mold, because its material is mainly steel plate, so the biggest trouble during cleaning is the rust. Here, it is recommended that you wash the gravel thoroughly and dry the water. It is better to apply a layer of oil on the surface, which can not only prevent rust and long spots, but also facilitate the demoulding during production. Products. For the cover plate plastic mold, the texture of the plastic mold is relatively soft. When cleaning, pay attention to the problem of deformation. When the temperature is low, it is easy to be brittle and cause damage. When the temperature is high in summer, it will also produce deformation. After cleaning, also pay attention to the problem of drying. Be sure to wait for the surface layer water to completely dry out before reuse. |
上一页 控制原材料是彻底解决沟盖板模具色差的关键 |
下一页 不锈钢线性排水沟则很好的解决了这个问题 |
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