公路混凝土排水沟施工准备 |
添加时间:2019/12/25 15:35:37 浏览次数: |
(1)技术准备 (1) Technical preparation ①技术主管组织有关人员进行图纸会审,复核设计图及工程数量,根据设计资料认真做好导线复测工作和水准复测工作。 ① The technical director shall organize relevant personnel to review the drawings, recheck the design drawings and project quantity, and carefully carry out the traverse resurvey and leveling resurvey according to the design data. ②根据控制测量结果放出水沟中桩及边桩,每25米做一个高程控制桩,标记沟槽开挖深度。 ② According to the control survey results, set out the middle and side piles of the ditch, make an elevation control pile every 25m, and mark the excavation depth of the ditch. ③对所有参加施工人员进行施工安全交底和技术交底。 ③ Conduct construction safety disclosure and technical disclosure to all construction personnel. (2)试验准备 (2) Test preparation ①水泥混凝土应有标养试块和现场同条件准养护试块。 ① Cement concrete shall have standard curing test block and quasi curing test block under the same conditions on site. ②检测进场的砂、水泥等材料是否合格,并按检验批次提供检测报告,通过试验确定混凝土配合比指导现场施工。 ② Inspect whether the sand, cement and other materials entering the site are qualified, and provide the inspection report according to the inspection batch, and determine the concrete mix proportion through the test to guide the site construction. (3)材料准备 (3) Material preparation 矩形排水沟沟身所用材料为普通水泥混凝土,砂石水泥等原材应及时进场。 The materials used for the body of rectangular drainage ditch are ordinary cement concrete, and raw materials such as sand cement shall be mobilized in time. 盖板为C25钢筋混凝土盖板,盖板长60cm,宽92cm,厚13cm,钢筋混凝土预制盖板,采用有合格证并复检符合要求的钢筋,,检测不合格的材料及时清除出场。 The cover plate is C25 reinforced concrete cover plate, with a length of 60cm, a width of 92cm and a thickness of 13cm. The prefabricated cover plate of reinforced concrete is provided with qualified certificates and re inspected to meet the requirements. The unqualified materials are removed from the site in time. (4)机械准备 (4) Mechanical preparation 设备进场之前需进行检验并确保机械检验合格,操作人员需有操作证并进行安全教育。 Before entering the site, the equipment shall be inspected and the mechanical inspection shall be qualified. The operator shall have the operation certificate and carry out safety education. (5)现场准备 (5) Site preparation ①、作好施工现场的“三通一平”工作,保证进场后可立即投入施工。 ① Do a good job of "three supplies and one leveling" on the construction site to ensure that the construction can be started immediately after entering the site. ②、查明基底管线分布情况并完成迁改或采取可靠的保护措施。 ② Find out the distribution of the base pipeline and complete the relocation or take reliable protection measures. |
上一页 砼窨井座盖塑模的特点 |
下一页 排水沟盖板模具采用U型沟盖非常简单,节约 |
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